What is a TPI golf fitness assessment?

Part of my training business is around golf fitness. I am a certified TPI (Titleist Performance Institute) level 1 fitness trainer.

As a TPI trainer, I help golfers assess their body movement as it relates to their swing. By performing a TPI swing assessment we can identify various areas that might not be allowing the golfer to move as freely as they would like and can cause swing flaws to occur, such as “over the top” or “early extension”, “swaying or sliding” and others.

All of these swing flaws can lead to the golfer losing power in their shots, create inaccuracy and possibly lead to a risk of injury.

By identifying these areas we can then work together on a fitness program to bring in more flexibility, strength and mobility which will also create more stability.

The assessment takes about an hour and runs through 12 different movement screens. This can be done outside of the course as there is no swinging involved in this assessment. Once completed it produces a report that identifies, based on your physical movement, where you might likely have some swing flaws. The report is incredibly accurate at predicting a certain swing pattern based on the results.This report is helpful to also share with their PGA swing instructor to further help them with their swing mechanics.

The next steps that can be taken are setting up a program to work on your flexibility and mobility and increase your strength. I offer 1:1 in person training or through my RDMFIT Personal Training app.

If you want to play your best golf, feel your best and reduce your injury risk, reach out and set-up a Level 1 Swing assessment with me. Go to my programs tab and Golf Fitness.

Play well.


Gym etiquette

