I recently partnered with a local Meal service company locally here in San Antonio - Zedrics.

Zedrics is owned and operated by Chef Zach Lutton. Zach comes from a family of medical doctors and while attending pre-med school he became interested in food and worked in various kitchens and restaurants, in every position imaginable. Realizing medical school wasn’t for him, he left the university, returned to his hometown of San Antonio and begin pursuing his career as a chef.

After creating a meal prep business in his own home and building a clientele list that grew beyond his capacity as a one-man show, Chef Zach enlisted the help of his brother and mother to create San Antonio’s premier spot for delicious, healthy, chef-prepared meals: Zedric’s. Eight years later, Zedric’s continues to grow and serve the community by providing healthy, flavorful meal options that benefit everyone from families with busy schedules, workaholics with little downtime, to athletes looking to properly fuel their bodies.

So why am I high on working Zedrics?

Our lifestyles seem to be getting busier and busier and with that comes the idea of finding ways to make our lives easier. Grocery shopping and cooking takes time and with the increases in prices, more money. Often we find ourselves wasting more food than we are eating.

Zedrics offers an amazing service of good food, already prepared. Simply pick it up or have it delivered and you are set for the meal, the day or the week.

I see three main benefits to a meal service like Zedrics:

  1. Healthy options. Most of the meal service companies out there are about making good nutritious meals. This is not a meal service of fast food, it’s a meal service of nutritious foods that are going to keep you healthy.

  2. Less Waste. It is easy to go grocery shopping and spend a small fortune these days. It’s also easy to waste a lot of food. Your schedule changes, you get home late, you have to travel for work and a lot of times the food you bought goes bad. Zed’s and other meal services offer you the benefit of buying as you need as well as being able to store them for 5-7 days in the fridge and even freeze many of them if you will be gone on vacation.

  3. Speed and Convenience. As I mentioned early you can order online, stop in and pick-up or you can have them deliver. This is a huge time savings for many who would rather be heading to the gym to do one of the latest RDMFIT Personal Training workouts :)

Many people think because they don’t have time to go to the grocery store and cook their own food, the only choice they have is to head to the nearest Fast Food restaurant. Companies like Zedrics offer a very affordable and nutritious option.

If you live in the San Antonio area, check them out at


